Broadening Horizons. Brightening Futures
At Ellergreen Nursery School and childcare centre, our children enjoy daily maths through their play, alongside other opportunities to play number games and practise their counting throughout the day.
Maths is all about being able to understand and use numbers in a range of situations, such as problem solving. Maths is all around us and learning doesn't just take place in the classroom! Your child's daily routine offers many experiences and opportunities to practise and apply their maths skills in real and meaningful ways.
It is so important that your child continues to practise and use their maths skills regularly at home, as this will continue to build and secure their knowledge, skills and understanding.
Below we have found some fun and creative maths ideas to support home learning, as well as, lots of useful and exciting websites.
There are so many fun and creative ways in which you can support your child with learning maths at home. Many of the ideas below include everyday items which you will likely already have in your home already or may not need any resources at all!