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‘Our outstanding nursery school offers free 15 hour places 'for all 3 and 4 year olds' and 30 hour places for working parents’. Please contact the Nursery School 0151 233 4594 or for 2 year olds the Childcare Centre 0151 256 5683
Ellergreen Nursery School & Chilcare Centre

Broadening Horizons. Brightening Futures


Understanding passive sentences

Why is this important?
Understanding more complex sentences enables children to process more
complex instructions and prepares them for using sophisticated structures
which convey subtle differences in meaning. The passive voice is often quite
challenging in terms of children’s grammatical development because they
cannot rely on word order.

What to do
• Gather together some toys and everyday objects, e.g.
★ Two favourite dolls such as Batman, Barbie, Bob the Builder.
★ Cup, play food, sponge, brush, car, ball.
• Ask the child to listen to the instruction and then do the action, e.g.
★ ‘Batman is fed a banana by Spiderman.’
★ ‘The car is washed by Bob the Builder.’
★ ‘Barbie’s hair is brushed by Dora.’
