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‘Our outstanding nursery school offers free 15 hour places 'for all 3 and 4 year olds' and 30 hour places for working parents’. Please contact the Nursery School 0151 233 4594 or for 2 year olds the Childcare Centre 0151 256 5683
Ellergreen Nursery School & Chilcare Centre

Broadening Horizons. Brightening Futures


Generating ideas about the function of objects

(semantic links)

Why is this important?
Children need to learn that objects often have more than one function (e.g.
ball – throw it, catch it, play football) and that lots of objects perform the
same actions (e.g. what flies – butterfly, helicopter, bird, aeroplane).

What to do
• Gather together pictures of objects and put them face down on the table.

The child chooses a picture (e.g. chair):
★ Adult: ‘What do we do with a chair?’
★ Child: ‘Sit on it.’
• Give the child praise and then talk about other objects and their uses.
