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‘Our outstanding nursery school offers free 15 hour places 'for all 3 and 4 year olds' and 30 hour places for working parents’. Please contact the Nursery School 0151 233 4594 or for 2 year olds the Childcare Centre 0151 256 5683
Ellergreen Nursery School & Chilcare Centre

Broadening Horizons. Brightening Futures


Understanding post-modified sentences

Why is this important?
Understanding these more complex sentences enables children to
process more complex instructions by building up their knowledge of the
grammatical system and the unspoken rules that govern it. It also helps
children to be able to relate back a new piece of information to something
they already know.

What to do
• Gather together some toys, e.g.
★ Big and little ducks (or other favourite toys).
★ Some big and little objects (e.g. cup/chair/bed).
• Give the child an instruction:
★ ‘The duck sitting on the bed is little.’
★ ‘The duck holding the cup is big.’
★ ‘The duck standing on the chair is big.’
N.B. You will need ‘big’ and ‘little’ objects as well as ducks because the child may
process the last part of the sentence as

‘the bed is little’ rather than ‘the duck is little’.
