Broadening Horizons. Brightening Futures
Helping to Keep Children Safe
Staying safe on the roads is incredibly important, and it's never too early to lay the foundations for road safety. Though it's important to teach children by example, always taking their hand when crossing a road and modelling positive behaviour around roads.
Road Safety Tips to Remember
A great way to teach your child to behave responsibly around roads is by involving them in the process. Though you should always maintain responsibility when crossing a road, why not ask them to talk you through whether or not it's time to cross. A good way to help children to understand the difference between a safe and unsafe time to cross is by showing them an example situational story on the topic. Please watch with your child.
This will help children internalise good habits, like looking both ways, judging distances appropriately and obeying road signs. It is also beneficial to teach children about the different types of vehicles that they can encounter when crossing the road. These range from cars, busses, vans and bicycles. This is important as it will help children to be aware of the various dangers that they can encounter on the roads.
Road Signs for Children
There are many different road signs your children will need to become aware of and understand to practice road safety. These include:
Stop signs
Red man - don't cross
Green man - cross
Pedestrian crossing signal and button
Speed limit signs
Understanding these road safety signs is super important for your child. Knowing how to recognise when and when not to cross the road will not only keep your child safe but it will also prepare them for independent travel in later life.
Talk to your child about:
Holding hands: Whose hand do you hold?
School crossing patrol: Where do you see a school crossing patrol? (lollypop lady) What special uniform do they wear?
Car: What are cars made of? Do you have one at home? Who drives the car? What colour is it? Where do you sit in the car? Why do you wear your seatbelt?
Traffic lights: What three colours make up a traffic light?
Pedestrian crossing: What word lights up when you press the button? What do the red man and the green man figures mean at the crossing? What does the ‘flashing green man‘ tell you?
Sitting in the back of the car: Do you have a special seat? Why?
Bus: When sitting on the bus, what can you see out of the big windows?
Pushchair: Do you remember riding in a pushchair? Why is it important to be strapped in your pushchair?
Cyclists: Who has a bike? Where do you ride your bike? Why must you wear a cycle helmet?
Zebra crossing: What are the rules when crossing a zebra crossing? Why is it called a zebra crossing?
Ice cream van: Are there any dangers for children at or near the ice cream van?
Police officer: A police officer can stop the traffic and help you across the road. How do you recognise a police officer?
Help your child remember by saying this poem together
Stop, Look, Listen
Stop, look and listen,
Before you cross the street.
Use your eyes, use your ears.
Before you use your feet.