Broadening Horizons. Brightening Futures
Message for parents and guardians of children from the Director of Public Health Professor Matthew Ashton
Have you heard the news about measles? There is a large outbreak of measles around Birmingham. Many children have been admitted to hospital. It is likely that measles could spread to Liverpool.
Measles is a nasty infection and can make you very sick if you catch it. It starts with a high temperature and a cold with red eyes. Then you get a measles rash that spreads from your face to the rest of your body.
It is very easy to catch if you are not vaccinated. It spreads through coughs and sneezes.
Measles can be very serious for some people. It can cause pneumonia, encephalitis (brain infections) and sometimes even death.
How to protect yourself and your children from measles:
The MMR vaccine prevents measles. It is very safe. You need 2 doses to protect you for life.
All children are offered the MMR vaccine. It is free on the NHS.
If your child has missed any vaccine, book an appointment at your GP practice. Check your child’s Red Book if you are not sure or ask the GP practice.
It is never too late to catch up if you have missed a vaccine.
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